Represents a Pixels die. Most of its methods require the instance to be connected to the Pixel device. Call the () method to initiate a connection.

Call addEventListener to get notified for rolls, connection and disconnection events and more.

Call addPropertyListener to get notified on property changes.

Hierarchy (view full)



_disposeFunc: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_evEmitter: TypedEventEmitter<PixelEventMap> = ...
_logData: boolean = false
_logFunc: undefined | null | ((msg) => void)

Type declaration

    • (msg): void
    • Parameters

      • msg: string

      Returns void

_logMessages: boolean = false
_msgEvEmitter: EventEmitter = ...
_session: PixelSession
_status: PixelStatus
_versions: Omit<VersionInfoChunk, "chunkSize" | "buildTimestamp">
MutablePropsList: readonly (keyof PixelInfo)[] = ...


  • get batteryLevel(): number
  • Get the Pixel battery level (percentage).

    Returns number


    This value is automatically updated when the die is connected.

  • get colorway(): "custom" | "clear" | "unknown" | "onyxBlack" | "hematiteGrey" | "midnightGalaxy" | "auroraSky"
  • Gets the color of the Pixel.

    Returns "custom" | "clear" | "unknown" | "onyxBlack" | "hematiteGrey" | "midnightGalaxy" | "auroraSky"

  • get currentFace(): number
  • Get the die face value that is currently facing up.

    Returns number


    Fudge die returns +1, 0 and -1. This value is automatically updated when the die is connected.

  • get dieType(): "unknown" | "d4" | "d6" | "d8" | "d10" | "d00" | "d12" | "d20" | "d6pipped" | "d6fudge"
  • Gets the die type of the Pixel.

    Returns "unknown" | "d4" | "d6" | "d8" | "d10" | "d00" | "d12" | "d20" | "d6pipped" | "d6fudge"

  • get isCharging(): boolean
  • Gets whether the Pixel battery is charging or not. Returns 'true' if fully charged but still on charger.

    Returns boolean


    This value is automatically updated when the die is connected.

  • get rollState(): "unknown" | "handling" | "rolling" | "crooked" | "onFace"
  • Get the Pixel roll state.

    Returns "unknown" | "handling" | "rolling" | "crooked" | "onFace"


    This value is automatically updated when the die is connected.


  • Parameters

    • state: "unknown" | "handling" | "rolling" | "crooked" | "onFace"
    • faceIndex: number
    • Optional opt: {
          skipEvents?: boolean;
      • Optional skipEvents?: boolean

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • data: ArrayBuffer
    • Optional progressCallback: ((progress) => void)
        • (progress): void
        • Parameters

          • progress: number

          Returns void

    • progressMode: "percent" | "bytes" = "percent"

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Registers a listener function that will be called on receiving raw messages of a given type from the Pixel.


    • msgType: "blink" | "none" | "playAnimation" | "whoAreYou" | "iAmADie" | "rollState" | "telemetry" | "bulkSetup" | "bulkSetupAck" | "bulkData" | "bulkDataAck" | "transferAnimationSet" | "transferAnimationSetAck" | "transferAnimationSetFinished" | "transferSettings" | "transferSettingsAck" | "transferSettingsFinished" | "transferTestAnimationSet" | "transferTestAnimationSetAck" | "transferTestAnimationSetFinished" | "debugLog" | "playAnimationEvent" | "stopAnimation" | "remoteAction" | "requestRollState" | "requestAnimationSet" | "requestSettings" | "requestTelemetry" | "programDefaultAnimationSet" | "programDefaultAnimationSetFinished" | "blinkAck" | "requestDefaultAnimationSetColor" | "defaultAnimationSetColor" | "requestBatteryLevel" | "batteryLevel" | "requestRssi" | "rssi" | "calibrate" | "calibrateFace" | "notifyUser" | "notifyUserAck" | "testHardware" | "storeValue" | "storeValueAck" | "setTopLevelState" | "programDefaultParameters" | "programDefaultParametersFinished" | "setDesignAndColor" | "setDesignAndColorAck" | "setCurrentBehavior" | "setCurrentBehaviorAck" | "setName" | "setNameAck" | "powerOperation" | "exitValidation" | "transferInstantAnimationSet" | "transferInstantAnimationSetAck" | "transferInstantAnimationSetFinished" | "playInstantAnimation" | "stopAllAnimations" | "requestTemperature" | "temperature" | "setBatteryControllerMode" | "_unused" | "discharge" | "blinkId" | "blinkIdAck" | "transferTest" | "transferTestAck" | "transferTestFinished" | "clearSettings" | "clearSettingsAck" | "testBulkSend" | "testBulkReceive" | "setAllLEDsToColor" | "attractMode" | "printNormals" | "printA2DReadings" | "lightUpFace" | "setLEDToColor" | "debugAnimationController"

      The type of message to watch for.

    • listener: ((this, message) => void)

      The callback function.

    Returns void

  • Requests the Pixel to blink and wait for a confirmation.


    • color: Color

      Blink color.

    • Optional opt: {
          count?: number;
          duration?: number;
          faceMask?: number;
          fade?: number;
          loopCount?: number;
      • Optional count?: number

        Number of blinks.

      • Optional duration?: number

        Total duration of the animation in milliseconds.

      • Optional faceMask?: number

        Select which faces to light up.

      • Optional fade?: number

        Amount of in and out fading, 0: sharp transition, 1: maximum fading.

      • Optional loopCount?: number

        How many times to loop the animation.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the die has confirmed receiving the message.

  • Asynchronously tries to connect to the die. Throws on connection error.


    • timeoutMs: number = 0

      Delay before giving up (may be ignored when having concurrent calls to connect()). It may take longer than the given timeout for the function to return.

    Returns Promise<Pixel>

    A promise that resoles to this instance once the connection process has completed (whether successfully or not).


    Will throw a PixelConnectError if it fails to connect in time.

  • Emit a Pixel event for the specified property. This function should be called by the concrete type whenever the a property's value changes.

    Type Parameters

    • K extends "name" | "rollState" | "batteryLevel" | "rssi" | "pixelId" | "dieType" | "ledCount" | "colorway" | "currentFaceIndex" | "systemId" | "firmwareDate" | "isCharging" | "currentFace"


    • propertyName: K

      Event name.

    Returns void

  • Plays the instant animation at the given index. See


    • animIndex: number

      The index of the instant animation to play.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the message has been send.



  • Plays the (single) LEDs animation included in the given data set.


    • dataSet: DataSet

      The data set containing just one animation to play.

    • Optional progressCallback: ((progress) => void)

      An optional callback that is called as the operation progresses with the progress in percent..

        • (progress): void
        • Parameters

          • progress: number

          Returns void

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the transfer has completed.

  • Asynchronously gets the battery state.

    Returns Promise<number>

    A promise revolving to an object with the batter level in percentage and flag indicating whether it is charging or not.

  • Unregisters a listener from receiving raw messages of a given type.


    • msgType: "blink" | "none" | "playAnimation" | "whoAreYou" | "iAmADie" | "rollState" | "telemetry" | "bulkSetup" | "bulkSetupAck" | "bulkData" | "bulkDataAck" | "transferAnimationSet" | "transferAnimationSetAck" | "transferAnimationSetFinished" | "transferSettings" | "transferSettingsAck" | "transferSettingsFinished" | "transferTestAnimationSet" | "transferTestAnimationSetAck" | "transferTestAnimationSetFinished" | "debugLog" | "playAnimationEvent" | "stopAnimation" | "remoteAction" | "requestRollState" | "requestAnimationSet" | "requestSettings" | "requestTelemetry" | "programDefaultAnimationSet" | "programDefaultAnimationSetFinished" | "blinkAck" | "requestDefaultAnimationSetColor" | "defaultAnimationSetColor" | "requestBatteryLevel" | "batteryLevel" | "requestRssi" | "rssi" | "calibrate" | "calibrateFace" | "notifyUser" | "notifyUserAck" | "testHardware" | "storeValue" | "storeValueAck" | "setTopLevelState" | "programDefaultParameters" | "programDefaultParametersFinished" | "setDesignAndColor" | "setDesignAndColorAck" | "setCurrentBehavior" | "setCurrentBehaviorAck" | "setName" | "setNameAck" | "powerOperation" | "exitValidation" | "transferInstantAnimationSet" | "transferInstantAnimationSetAck" | "transferInstantAnimationSetFinished" | "playInstantAnimation" | "stopAllAnimations" | "requestTemperature" | "temperature" | "setBatteryControllerMode" | "_unused" | "discharge" | "blinkId" | "blinkIdAck" | "transferTest" | "transferTestAck" | "transferTestFinished" | "clearSettings" | "clearSettingsAck" | "testBulkSend" | "testBulkReceive" | "setAllLEDsToColor" | "attractMode" | "printNormals" | "printA2DReadings" | "lightUpFace" | "setLEDToColor" | "debugAnimationController"

      The type of message to watch for.

    • listener: ((this, msg) => void)

      The callback function to unregister.

    Returns void

  • Requests the Pixel to change its name.


    • name: string

      New name to assign to the Pixel. Must have at least one character.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the die has confirmed being renamed.

  • Requests the Pixel to regularly send its measured RSSI value.


    • activate: boolean

      Whether to turn or turn off this feature.

    • minInterval: number = 5000

      The minimum time interval in milliseconds between two RSSI updates.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the message has been send.

  • Sends a message to the Pixel and wait for a specific response.


    • msgOrTypeToSend: MessageOrType

      Message with the data to send or just a message type.

    • responseType: "blink" | "none" | "playAnimation" | "whoAreYou" | "iAmADie" | "rollState" | "telemetry" | "bulkSetup" | "bulkSetupAck" | "bulkData" | "bulkDataAck" | "transferAnimationSet" | "transferAnimationSetAck" | "transferAnimationSetFinished" | "transferSettings" | "transferSettingsAck" | "transferSettingsFinished" | "transferTestAnimationSet" | "transferTestAnimationSetAck" | "transferTestAnimationSetFinished" | "debugLog" | "playAnimationEvent" | "stopAnimation" | "remoteAction" | "requestRollState" | "requestAnimationSet" | "requestSettings" | "requestTelemetry" | "programDefaultAnimationSet" | "programDefaultAnimationSetFinished" | "blinkAck" | "requestDefaultAnimationSetColor" | "defaultAnimationSetColor" | "requestBatteryLevel" | "batteryLevel" | "requestRssi" | "rssi" | "calibrate" | "calibrateFace" | "notifyUser" | "notifyUserAck" | "testHardware" | "storeValue" | "storeValueAck" | "setTopLevelState" | "programDefaultParameters" | "programDefaultParametersFinished" | "setDesignAndColor" | "setDesignAndColorAck" | "setCurrentBehavior" | "setCurrentBehaviorAck" | "setName" | "setNameAck" | "powerOperation" | "exitValidation" | "transferInstantAnimationSet" | "transferInstantAnimationSetAck" | "transferInstantAnimationSetFinished" | "playInstantAnimation" | "stopAllAnimations" | "requestTemperature" | "temperature" | "setBatteryControllerMode" | "_unused" | "discharge" | "blinkId" | "blinkIdAck" | "transferTest" | "transferTestAck" | "transferTestFinished" | "clearSettings" | "clearSettingsAck" | "testBulkSend" | "testBulkReceive" | "setAllLEDsToColor" | "attractMode" | "printNormals" | "printA2DReadings" | "lightUpFace" | "setLEDToColor" | "debugAnimationController"

      Expected response type.

    • timeoutMs: number = Constants.ackMessageTimeout

      Timeout in mill-seconds before aborting waiting for the response.

    Returns Promise<MessageOrType>

    A promise resolving to the response in the form of a message type or a message object.

  • Sends a message to the Pixel and wait for a specific response which is returned casted to the expected type.

    Type Parameters


    • msgOrTypeToSend: MessageOrType

      Message with the data to send or just a message type.

    • responseType: (new () => T)

      Expected response class type.

        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • timeoutMs: number = Constants.ackMessageTimeout

    Returns Promise<T>

    A promise resolving to a message object of the expected type.

  • Sends a message to the Pixel.


    • msgOrType: MessageOrType

      Message with the data to send or just a message type.

    • withoutAck: boolean = false

      Whether to request a confirmation that the message was received.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the message has been send.

  • Uploads the given data set of animations to the Pixel flash memory.


    • dataSet: DataSet

      The data set to upload.

    • Optional progressCallback: ((progress) => void)

      An optional callback that is called as the operation progresses with the progress in percent..

        • (progress): void
        • Parameters

          • progress: number

          Returns void

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the transfer has completed.

  • Uploads the given data set of animations to the Pixel RAM memory. Those animations are lost when the Pixel goes to sleep, is turned off or is restarted.


    • dataSet: DataSet

      The data set to upload.

    • Optional progressCallback: ((progress) => void)

      An optional callback that is called as the operation progresses with the progress in percent..

        • (progress): void
        • Parameters

          • progress: number

          Returns void

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the transfer has completed.

  • Update Pixel info from an external source such as scanning data.


    • info: Partial<Omit<PixelInfo, "currentFace">>

      The updated info.

    Returns void


    The info will be updated only if the die is disconnected. Roll state and face index are updated only if both are provided.

  • Upload the given data to the Pixel.


    • ackType: "blink" | "none" | "playAnimation" | "whoAreYou" | "iAmADie" | "rollState" | "telemetry" | "bulkSetup" | "bulkSetupAck" | "bulkData" | "bulkDataAck" | "transferAnimationSet" | "transferAnimationSetAck" | "transferAnimationSetFinished" | "transferSettings" | "transferSettingsAck" | "transferSettingsFinished" | "transferTestAnimationSet" | "transferTestAnimationSetAck" | "transferTestAnimationSetFinished" | "debugLog" | "playAnimationEvent" | "stopAnimation" | "remoteAction" | "requestRollState" | "requestAnimationSet" | "requestSettings" | "requestTelemetry" | "programDefaultAnimationSet" | "programDefaultAnimationSetFinished" | "blinkAck" | "requestDefaultAnimationSetColor" | "defaultAnimationSetColor" | "requestBatteryLevel" | "batteryLevel" | "requestRssi" | "rssi" | "calibrate" | "calibrateFace" | "notifyUser" | "notifyUserAck" | "testHardware" | "storeValue" | "storeValueAck" | "setTopLevelState" | "programDefaultParameters" | "programDefaultParametersFinished" | "setDesignAndColor" | "setDesignAndColorAck" | "setCurrentBehavior" | "setCurrentBehaviorAck" | "setName" | "setNameAck" | "powerOperation" | "exitValidation" | "transferInstantAnimationSet" | "transferInstantAnimationSetAck" | "transferInstantAnimationSetFinished" | "playInstantAnimation" | "stopAllAnimations" | "requestTemperature" | "temperature" | "setBatteryControllerMode" | "_unused" | "discharge" | "blinkId" | "blinkIdAck" | "transferTest" | "transferTestAck" | "transferTestFinished" | "clearSettings" | "clearSettingsAck" | "testBulkSend" | "testBulkReceive" | "setAllLEDsToColor" | "attractMode" | "printNormals" | "printA2DReadings" | "lightUpFace" | "setLEDToColor" | "debugAnimationController"

      The expected confirmation message type.

    • data: ArrayBuffer

      The data to send.

    • Optional progressCallback: ((progress) => void)

      An optional callback that is called as the operation progresses with the progress in percent..

        • (progress): void
        • Parameters

          • progress: number

          Returns void

    • progressMode: "percent" | "bytes" = "percent"

      Whether to notify progress in percent or bytes.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves once the transfer has completed.

  • Waits for a message from the Pixel.


    • expectedMsgType: "blink" | "none" | "playAnimation" | "whoAreYou" | "iAmADie" | "rollState" | "telemetry" | "bulkSetup" | "bulkSetupAck" | "bulkData" | "bulkDataAck" | "transferAnimationSet" | "transferAnimationSetAck" | "transferAnimationSetFinished" | "transferSettings" | "transferSettingsAck" | "transferSettingsFinished" | "transferTestAnimationSet" | "transferTestAnimationSetAck" | "transferTestAnimationSetFinished" | "debugLog" | "playAnimationEvent" | "stopAnimation" | "remoteAction" | "requestRollState" | "requestAnimationSet" | "requestSettings" | "requestTelemetry" | "programDefaultAnimationSet" | "programDefaultAnimationSetFinished" | "blinkAck" | "requestDefaultAnimationSetColor" | "defaultAnimationSetColor" | "requestBatteryLevel" | "batteryLevel" | "requestRssi" | "rssi" | "calibrate" | "calibrateFace" | "notifyUser" | "notifyUserAck" | "testHardware" | "storeValue" | "storeValueAck" | "setTopLevelState" | "programDefaultParameters" | "programDefaultParametersFinished" | "setDesignAndColor" | "setDesignAndColorAck" | "setCurrentBehavior" | "setCurrentBehaviorAck" | "setName" | "setNameAck" | "powerOperation" | "exitValidation" | "transferInstantAnimationSet" | "transferInstantAnimationSetAck" | "transferInstantAnimationSetFinished" | "playInstantAnimation" | "stopAllAnimations" | "requestTemperature" | "temperature" | "setBatteryControllerMode" | "_unused" | "discharge" | "blinkId" | "blinkIdAck" | "transferTest" | "transferTestAck" | "transferTestFinished" | "clearSettings" | "clearSettingsAck" | "testBulkSend" | "testBulkReceive" | "setAllLEDsToColor" | "attractMode" | "printNormals" | "printA2DReadings" | "lightUpFace" | "setLEDToColor" | "debugAnimationController"

      Type of the message to expect.

    • timeoutMs: number = Constants.ackMessageTimeout

      Timeout before aborting the wait.

    Returns Promise<MessageOrType>

    A promise with the received message of the expected type.

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