AnimConstants: {
    currentFaceIndex: -1;
    faceMaskAll: 4294967295;
    keyframeTimeResolutionMs: 2;
    maxLEDsCount: 22;
    paletteColorFromFace: 127;
    paletteColorFromRandom: 126;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • Readonly currentFaceIndex: -1

    Magic number for the current face index.

  • Readonly faceMaskAll: 4294967295

    Mask value for turning all LEDs on.

  • Readonly keyframeTimeResolutionMs: 2

    Time resolution of 1 animation keyframe.

  • Readonly maxLEDsCount: 22

    Maximum number of LED on a die.

  • Readonly paletteColorFromFace: 127

    Magic number for picking a color based on the current face.

  • Readonly paletteColorFromRandom: 126

    Magic number for randomly picking a color.

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