alternativeAlternative name to use in Bootloader mode. If not specified then a random name is generated.
The maximum length of the alternative advertising name is 20 bytes. Longer name will be truncated. UTF-8 characters can be cut in the middle.
bootloaderScan duration (in milliseconds) when scanning for DFU Bootloader.
connectionWhen the DFU target does not connect before the time runs out, a timeout error is reported.
deviceThe device named is used in user notifications.
dfuThe callback that is repeatedly invoked during the upload, with information about the transfer progress.
dfuThe callback that is invoked for each DFU event.
disableWhen set to true, disable using the experimental buttonless feature in Secure DFU.
disableDisable the ability for the Secure DFU process to resume from where it was.
disallowWhether the DFU service should be started as a foreground service.
forceSetting force DFU to true will prevent from jumping to the DFU Bootloader mode in case there is no DFU Version characteristic (Legacy DFU only!). Use it if the DFU operation can be handled by your device running in the application mode.
forceWhen set to true, the Legacy Buttonless Service will scan for the device advertising with an incremented MAC address, instead of trying to reconnect to the same device.
keepWhether the bond information should be preserver after flashing new application. This feature requires Legacy DFU Bootloader version 0.6 or newer (SDK 8.0.0+).
prepareDelay that the service will wait before sending each data object in Secure DFU. The delay will be done after a data object is created, and before any data byte is sent.
rebootTime required by the device to reboot. The library will wait for this time before scanning for the device in bootloader mode.
requestedRequested MTU size to use during the DFU process. By default 517 will be used, which is the highest supported by Android.
restoreWhether a new bond should be created after the DFU is complete. The old bond information will be removed before.
retriesNumber of retries that the DFU service will use to complete DFU.
Optional parameters for startDfu.