Thrown by methods of the Pixel class on errors caused by a disconnection while waiting for a message from the die.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • pixel: Pixel
    • messageType: "blink" | "none" | "whoAreYou" | "iAmADie" | "rollState" | "telemetry" | "bulkSetup" | "bulkSetupAck" | "bulkData" | "bulkDataAck" | "transferAnimationSet" | "transferAnimationSetAck" | "transferAnimationSetFinished" | "transferSettings" | "transferSettingsAck" | "transferSettingsFinished" | "transferTestAnimationSet" | "transferTestAnimationSetAck" | "transferTestAnimationSetFinished" | "debugLog" | "playAnimation" | "playAnimationEvent" | "stopAnimation" | "remoteAction" | "requestRollState" | "requestAnimationSet" | "requestSettings" | "requestTelemetry" | "programDefaultAnimationSet" | "programDefaultAnimationSetFinished" | "blinkAck" | "requestDefaultAnimationSetColor" | "defaultAnimationSetColor" | "requestBatteryLevel" | "batteryLevel" | "requestRssi" | "rssi" | "calibrate" | "calibrateFace" | "notifyUser" | "notifyUserAck" | "testHardware" | "storeValue" | "storeValueAck" | "setTopLevelState" | "programDefaultParameters" | "programDefaultParametersFinished" | "setDesignAndColor" | "setDesignAndColorAck" | "setCurrentBehavior" | "setCurrentBehaviorAck" | "setName" | "setNameAck" | "powerOperation" | "exitValidation" | "transferInstantAnimationSet" | "transferInstantAnimationSetAck" | "transferInstantAnimationSetFinished" | "playInstantAnimation" | "stopAllAnimations" | "requestTemperature" | "temperature" | "setBatteryControllerMode" | "_unused" | "discharge" | "blinkId" | "blinkIdAck" | "transferTest" | "transferTestAck" | "transferTestFinished" | "clearSettings" | "clearSettingsAck" | "testBulkSend" | "testBulkReceive" | "setAllLEDsToColor" | "attractMode" | "printNormals" | "printA2DReadings" | "lightUpFace" | "setLEDToColor" | "debugAnimationController"

    Returns PixelWaitForMessageDisconnectError


cause?: Error

The original error that caused this error to be thrown.

description: string

The error description.

message: string
name: string
pixel: Pixel

The Pixel for which the error occurred.

stack?: string

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