Compares two Track instances.
The Track instance to compare with.
Whether the two Track instances have the same data.
Evaluates an animation track's for a given time, in milliseconds, and fills returns arrays of led indices and colors. The returned colors are the given color modulated with the light intensity of the track for the given time. Values outside the track's range are clamped to first or last keyframe value.
The animation bits with the keyframes data and color palette.
The color for which to modulate the intensity.
The time at which to evaluate the track.
Array of LED indices to be updated.
Array of 32 bits colors to be updated.
The number of LED indices that have been set in the returned arrays.
Evaluates an animation track's for a given time, in milliseconds. Values outside the track's range are clamped to first or last keyframe value.
The animation bits with the keyframes data and color palette.
The time at which to evaluate the track.
The modulated color.
Gets the track duration.
The animation bits with the keyframes data.
The track duration.
Gets the data of the keyframe at the given index.
The animation bits with the keyframes data.
The index of the keyframe.
The keyframe data.
Represents of a series of RGB keyframes which together make an animation curve for a light intensity.