Pixels Plugin for Unity
Enable communications with Pixels dice using Bluetooth Low Energy.
No Matches
Systemic.Unity.Pixels.Messages Namespace Reference

Set of classes to represent all supported Pixel messages as well as en enum MessageType with all the message types and a marshaling helper PixelMessageMarshaling. More...


struct  AccelerationFrame
class  BatteryLevel
class  Blink
class  BlinkAck
class  BulkData
class  BulkDataAck
class  BulkSetup
class  BulkSetupAck
class  Calibrate
class  CalibrateFace
struct  CustomDesignAndColorName
class  DebugLog
class  DefaultAnimationSetColor
struct  DieInfo
struct  DieName
class  ExitValidation
class  IAmADie
class  IAmADieLegacy
interface  IPixelMessage
class  Marshaling
struct  MessageString
class  NotifyUser
class  NotifyUserAck
class  PlayAnimation
class  PlayAnimationEvent
class  PlayInstantAnimation
class  PowerOperation
class  ProgramDefaultAnimationSet
class  ProgramDefaultAnimationSetFinished
class  ProgramDefaultParameters
class  ProgramDefaultParametersFinished
class  RemoteAction
class  RequestAnimationSet
class  RequestBatteryLevel
class  RequestDefaultAnimationSetColor
class  RequestRollState
class  RequestRssi
class  RequestSettings
class  RequestTelemetry
class  RequestTemperature
class  RollState
class  Rssi
class  SetCurrentBehavior
class  SetCurrentBehaviorAck
class  SetDesignAndColor
class  SetDesignAndColorAck
class  SetName
class  SetNameAck
struct  SettingsInfo
class  SetTopLevelState
struct  StatusInfo
class  StopAllAnimations
class  StopAnimation
class  Telemetry
class  Temperature
class  TestHardware
class  TransferAnimationSet
class  TransferAnimationSetAck
class  TransferAnimationSetFinished
class  TransferInstantAnimationSet
class  TransferInstantAnimationSetAck
class  TransferInstantAnimationSetFinished
class  TransferSettings
class  TransferSettingsAck
class  TransferSettingsFinished
struct  VersionInfo
class  WhoAreYou


enum  MessageType : byte {
  None = 0 , WhoAreYou , IAmADie , RollState ,
  Telemetry , BulkSetup , BulkSetupAck , BulkData ,
  BulkDataAck , TransferAnimationSet , TransferAnimationSetAck , TransferAnimationSetFinished ,
  TransferSettings , TransferSettingsAck , TransferSettingsFinished , _unused1 ,
  _unused2 , _unused3 , DebugLog , PlayAnimation ,
  PlayAnimationEvent , StopAnimation , RemoteAction , RequestRollState ,
  RequestAnimationSet , RequestSettings , RequestTelemetry , ProgramDefaultAnimationSet ,
  ProgramDefaultAnimationSetFinished , Blink , BlinkAck , RequestDefaultAnimationSetColor ,
  DefaultAnimationSetColor , RequestBatteryLevel , BatteryLevel , RequestRssi ,
  Rssi , Calibrate , CalibrateFace , NotifyUser ,
  NotifyUserAck , TestHardware , StoreValue , StoreValueAck ,
  SetTopLevelState , ProgramDefaultParameters , ProgramDefaultParametersFinished , SetDesignAndColor ,
  SetDesignAndColorAck , SetCurrentBehavior , SetCurrentBehaviorAck , SetName ,
  SetNameAck , PowerOperation , ExitValidation , TransferInstantAnimationSet ,
  TransferInstantAnimationSetAck , TransferInstantAnimationSetFinished , PlayInstantAnimation , StopAllAnimations ,
  RequestTemperature , Temperature , SetBatteryControllerMode , _unused4 ,
  Discharge , BlinkId , BlinkIdAck , TransferTest ,
  TransferTestAck , TransferTestFinished , ClearSettings , ClearSettingsAck
 Lists all the Pixel dice message types. The value is used for the first byte of data in a Pixel message to identify it's type. More...
enum  PixelChipModel : byte { Unknown = 0 , nRF52810 }
enum  PixelRunMode : byte { User = 0 , Validation , Attract , Count }
enum  TransferTestAnimationSetAckType : byte { Download = 0 , UpToDate , NoMemory }
enum  TelemetryRequestMode : byte { Off = 0 , Once = 1 , Repeat = 2 }
enum  PixelPowerOperation : byte { TurnOff = 0 , Reset , Sleep }
enum  TransferInstantAnimationSetAckType : byte { Download = 0 , UpToDate , NoMemory }

Detailed Description

Set of classes to represent all supported Pixel messages as well as en enum MessageType with all the message types and a marshaling helper PixelMessageMarshaling.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MessageType

Lists all the Pixel dice message types. The value is used for the first byte of data in a Pixel message to identify it's type.

These message identifiers have to match up with the ones on the firmware.